Monday, 16 January 2012

Audio question session

Last lesson we recorded a question and answer session about the target audience for our product. We asked questions such as, “What is a horror films target audience” and “Where do you watch your films?” We asked these questions because we wanted to find out what was suitable for our target audience. We wanted our target audience to recognize our product and to be familiar with it, so we asked these questions to gain their feedback. In this session we talked about topics such as 3D films and if the film industry was changing through illegal downloads.
These questions helped us because we found out that 3D filming isn’t really necessary to make a film a success, and also that the film industry doesn’t suffer as much from illegal downloads as we think. This made us think that our production didn’t need to rely on modern technology because our audience finds that a good plot in a film makes the film worth watching. From our first question we found out that the people who tend to watch high school horror films are teenagers because they themselves can be scared by our genre. We also knew that the horror genre has a mainstream audience, so our production would have to be suitable for many more viewers, so we might need to include popular elements in horror films into our production, so our audience would understand the genre.
For our third question, we asked our audience to name films that they enjoy. This feedback would give us a good idea of what types of films teenagers like, films such as Machete and Gran Torino were mentioned during this question. Now we can watch these films and take notes on what makes these films successful, whether it is the films camerawork, story and/or editing. We could focus on these elements and maybe even add them to our production; we can gain many ideas for making our film effective from these films.  Even though most the films mentioned weren’t strictly horror films, we could still research these titles because we could implement different effects found in that film into our own, but with our own unique style. Using this type of research will help our production to become in tune with the audience; our production would look professional and would be suitable for our target audience to watch. Se7en was also a film that was mentioned from our audience. I have previously done research into the opening of this film. It is effective since there are loads of close ups, which creates confusion. There are close ups of book pages turning and skin being cut by a knife and overall this creates a creepy feeling for the audience. Even though Se7en isn’t a horror film, it still manages to scare the audience during its opening sequence. We can maybe use this technique in our film to create the same effect.

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